LinkedIn vs Facebook vs Instagram

LinkedIn vs Facebook vs Instagram: Which is right for your Startups?

“LinkedIn, Facebook or Instagram which is best for my business?”

“Do I need to post content on every social media platform?”

“Which social media platform is best for lead generation”

Worried about choosing the right social media platform for your business. Don’t worry you’re not alone. In this blog we at MU Digital Marketing the top digital marketing company in Delhi NCR will explore which platform is best for business, the benefits of each platform and how to choose the right social media platform for your business.


LinkedIn vs Facebook vs Instagram

If you are a B2B business, LinkedIn is the best platform. It is a platform full of working professionals. Mostly it is used to maintain a professional identity on social media and also it is one of the best platform for networking within your industry. 

What works on LinkedIn?

LinkedIn has plenty of features which help you to grow your brand. From photo, video to polls, MCQs there are a lot of features through which you can engage your audience. 

When it comes to photo vs video content, image content works well on LinkedIn as compared to video. Photos usually get a higher chance of commenting.

What goals can you achieve through LinkedIn?

If you want to generate B2B leads, LinkedIn is the best social media platform as compared to others. 

Having a presence on LinkedIn as a business also builds credibility. You are able to showcase your business in the professional world. 

As a business you are also able to hire talent through LinkedIn. As linkedIn is a platform for all the professionals you can easily find the candidates and connect with them. Or you can post jobs on the LinkedIn company page.


LinkedIn vs Facebook vs Instagram

Facebook is the largest social media platform in the world at present. There are approximately 3 billion active users on Facebook. And Facebook is also one of the most engaging social media platform. Almost 75% of users login on Facebook daily. 

What works on Facebook?

Business Pages and Facebook groups are the most powerful features of Facebook. Both are used for sharing content and one of the powerful sources of building community.

You can share events, news, photos, videos, polls and many more on groups and pages. 

What goals can you achieve through Facebook?

Facebook is one of the best platform for building relationships. And also Facebook is the best sales platform. You can use Facebook Ads for promotion of your brand. 

Facebook ads give you lots of filters that help you to reach out to the audience who is looking for your products or services. It helps to boost your sales and maximise ROI.


LinkedIn vs Facebook vs Instagram

Instagram is the biggest social media platform that has a massive number of audience at present. There are approximately 2.4 billion active users on instagram.  And the fact is more than half of its audience are between the ages of 18 to 30 years. 

If your product or services are for those audiences who lie between 18 to 30 years instagram is the best platform for your brand. There are lots of social media marketing company in Delhi NCR uses Instagram as their social media weapon to generate leads. 

What works on Instagram?

Instagram gives you various features to engage your audience including reels, images, IGTV, stories, live interaction. 

What goals can you achieve through Instagram?

If you are an ecommerce brand and selling products then instagram is the best place for you as it gives you a feature of in app purchase which reduces the steps and boost your sales.

And if you are a different brand then you can use this for building relationships, awareness, credibility and many more. If you are posting user generated and highly engaging content, it will boost your followers or real audience that help to grow your brand.

After understanding these platforms let’s understand how to choose a social media platform for your business or brand.

1. Define your objectives and goals

First you need to find your objectives and goals you need to achieve through social media. For example you will use social media for

  • Brand Awareness 
  • Lead Generation
  • Connect with audience
  • Increase Website traffic
  • Boost Sales

2. Find where is your audience spending time

If you are posting content where your audience is not active will be a time waster for your business. That’s why do research before posting content on every platform.

Find where your audience is hanging out or spending time and post content regularly on that platform.

3. Find which content is profitable for you

Do research on which content works well for your business. Start posting every type of content including video, posts, stories , or anything and find which type of content performs well.

Read More: How can a Website Represents Your Business in 2024?

Which social media platform is best for businesses?

It depends on various factors including
– Business goals and objectives
– Where your audience is spending more time
– Type of content your audience engages

Is social media marketing good for business in 2024 or beyond?

Social media marketing is the best digital marketing channel to promote your business. It helps in brand awareness, lead generation, boost sales, engages the audience 24/7 and many more. At present people spend a lot of their time on social media so reaching out to people on social media platforms will be beneficial in 2024 and beyond. 

Social media marketing or SEO which is good or profitable?

Both Social media marketing and SEO are digital marketing channels that help to promote your brand and help you in different ways. Choosing between Social media marketing and SEO depends on various factors including audience interest and behaviour, budget, and other resources. 
Both are profitable in their own ways.

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