5 Digital Marketing Trends in 2024 You Want to Know About

Digital Marketing is a strategy to promote your business through various digital channels. Digital marketing industry is going to be very important in 2024. Digital marketing is constantly evolving and that will dominate in 2024 and upcoming years. Being a marketer if you want to grow your business you must adapt to these trends in order to get best results and high ROI.

According to the top Digital Marketing Agency in Delhi here are the list of trends that will dominate 2024 and upcoming years:

  • AI Driven Marketing

AI (Artificial Intelligence) is the buzzword of 2023. It is used to automate the tasks, identify audience behaviour, interest, requirements and gain competitive advantage. In the recent months AI became one of the fastest emerging trend this year and will continue to rule in 2024 and coming years. Marketers are heavily relying on AI tools, from creating content ideas to creating ad campaigns AI is everywhere. 

Consumers are getting tailored experience according to their requirements. With the help of AI tools marketers are gaining more comprehensive understanding about their targeted audience. And these AI tools also help in predicting most effective ad copies and placements resulting in high ROI.

  • Video Content Dominating

Video content will continue to rule in these years. Short video content, live streaming, podcasts etc are one of the effective way to engage audiences and promote business. 

Video content helps consumers to easily understand about their product and services and according to the research 87% of businesses are using video content as the marketing tool.

78% marketers believe that video content increases their ROI and that is the reason businesses are investing in video content to gain maximum reach and awareness of their brand. 

  • Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is the collaboration of brand and influencer to promote business. In this marketing channel businesses collaborate with the individual or social media personality who have a large number of followers in specific niche. It is one of the great way for quick brand awareness, gaining a loyal customer base. In the last few years influencer marketing gained popularity because of social media or popularity of video content. According to the reports in 2023 influencer marketing industry value was 20+ billion and  2024 will be the revolution year for influencer marketing as now brands are looking for micro influencers to promote their products and services. According to the research it is found that micro influencers are highly engaged with their audiences and also they are niche specific.

  • Push Notification

Push notification is one of the best way to remind customers of your brand, offers, upcoming events, sales or any other things.

Have you seen notifications of Zomato, Swiggy, or any other brands? How they are impacting their business. There are 7.1 billion users of mobile (in 2021) and push notification will be a good way to get connected with the audience and keep them updated with your business.

According to the research push notification increases user retention and this will result in high ROI and also boosts brand loyalty.

  • Voice Search Optimisation

According to the latest reports 55% to 60% users use voice search on a daily basis. Today’s people are evolving with the latest technologies and adapting to them quickly, widespread use of voice search feature making it essential for digital marketers to optimise their content for voice search feature. 

Voice search is the feature that first came in 2024 in smartphones. And after that alexa and smart speakers came into the picture. People find it a new way of doing something that makes it popular and common in households.

And also Google claims that voice search rates are 85% to 90% accurate. This feature gives personalised experience to the users which is more accurate and perfect match to what you asked for. And in the future it is predicted that a large number of people are going to buy something using voice search. 

The top Digital Marketing Agency in Delhi are adapting these trends to stand out from the crowd and giving best results to their clients.

Read More: LinkedIn vs Facebook vs Instagram: Which is right for your business?

  1. What is AI in marketing?

     AI in marketing is used to automate everything based on their data collection including content generation, ad creation, bidding, targeting advertisements, chatbots and many more.

  2. Is video content more engaging?

    Yes, it is found that video content is highly engaging than text and images. Because of social media audiences are now attracted to short videos and it is also the easiest way to describe and promote your business. 

  3. What is the difference between micro and macro influencers?

    Micro influencers are the creators with the followers range of 10K to 50K and macro influencers are the creators with the followers range of 50k to 1M. And influencers with the followers of 1M+ are named as mega influencers or celebrity influencers.

  4. Does push notification really work?

    Studies found that push notification works very well as compared to email marketing or sms marketing. Push notification has seven times higher click rate as compared to email marketing

  5. How to optimise a website for voice search?

    Use long tail keywords
    Use conversational tools
    Implement structured data markup
    Optimise content for mobile devices

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